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BODIES…The Exhibit.

Hey there,

I meant to make a post about this a while ago, but about two weeks ago, my grade 11 biology class as well as a few other classes at my school, went to go visit the Bodies Exhibit in Winnipeg. The exhibit was held at the MTS Center Exhibit Hall. My favourite exhibit was the circulatory system exhibit. They had a full body sculpted by anatomists to show only all the arteries and blood vessels in your body.

My second favourite gallery consisted of multiple fetus’s that had died due to birth complications during the early stages.  I did find some pictures online, but I’m not going to post them as it may upset some individuals.

Last, but not least, my third favourite exhibit was a specimen that had been preserved a special way and sliced into thin sheets to show inside organs at a very unusual angle.

All in all, the experience was unbelievable and was a amazing learning as experience as well.

Would you like to know more? http://www.bodiestheexhibition.com/

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